Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Graduation and back home.
Glenn Hutchings...we've got some roads to ride when you get out this way.
Glenn Riddle...get that knee healed up. when you decide to come back and finish the YBR, don't forget to give me a shout. I'll go back and run it with you.
Stevie DeMarco...thanks to you and your wife for going out of your way to get those shirts. And thanks for waking me up in Philly.
Marc and the "7th Floor Mafia"...you guys are hilarious.
Brian Johnson...congrats on your promotion. I'm sure I''ll see you sometime in Nashville.
And to the rest of my classmates, especially Section 2...its been a pleasure. You all are great!
To my instructors: Paul Bertrand, Ken Myers, Buddy McGinnis, Bob May, Lt. Col. Jim Vance, and Kevin Chimento. Thank you!
To my family, friends, and colleagues who encouraged me and supported me and never lost faith in me...Thank you so much. I couldn't have done this without you.
I'm back to work now, packing up my office, planning the transition back to Patrol as a Lieutenant, and preparing for the next challenges that the job and life bring me.
So that's it. This blog is officially done. Thanks to all of you who followed and offered advice and encouragement.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Marine One
Graduation practice is in the morning. After that, we're pretty much free until graduation Friday morning. Thursday is Family Day with a couple of planned activities. It looks like I'm going to have a pretty good size cheering section for me on Friday. In addition to my family, I've got two Captains, one Lieutenant, and two of my Detectives coming to make sure that I actually was here and not somewhere else taking an eleven week vacation. I wish a couple of other people could be here as well but I guess I'm lucking to have people coming. Some of my classmates, especially some of the International Students, don't have anyone coming to see them graduate.
Almost done!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Graduation Week
This morning was also my final fitness assessment. We had an assessment when we first started 10 weeks ago and this was to see if there was any improvement in our overall strength, endurance, and health. Officially, I lost 9.3 pounds, 1/4 on my waist, body fat percentage went from 18 to 15, grip strength increased, push ups went up by 11, plank time increased by 1:00, and my 1.5 mile time deceased by 56 seconds. Afterwards, we were presented with our bricks.
This past weekend, it was back to DC for some more sightseeing. First stop was The Pentagon Memorial. I got to see the indoor memorial when we had our tour of The Pentagon several weeks ago but didn't get to see the outdoor memorial.
The Memorial starts with the youngest victim, in this case, a three year old girl, and move chronologically to the oldest victim. The way it is laid out, it also runs in the same direction as the plane when it struck The Pentagon.
Also went to Arlington National Cemetery.
Graduation practice is Wednesday. Thursday is the NA Family Luncheon and Thursday night is The Social. Friday morning at 10:00 is graduation. First thing first...Forensics final tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Yellow Brick Road
Today was the day we've all been waiting for...our Yellow Brick Road challenge run. I have to say that we've been lucky the entire time we've been here. We've always had good weather for our challenges. With that being said, today's weather sucked! Rainy and cold. And it only rained more and got colder as the day went on. The trail was nothing but mud by the my group started. Sorry guys...no pics from me on this one. Couldn't risk ruining the camera and I wasn't smart enough to think about buying a waterproof disposable one. My bad. There were a few reports of injury and I think they actually had to med evac one out but for the most part, everybody came out okay and everybody had fun.
Right now, I'm in the basement of the Madison dorm doing laundry and trying to salvage my shoes and clothes that I wore. So is everyone else...that's why I'm at Madison. A lot of people just gave up on their shoes and clothes and just trashed them. I'm going to at least try to save them.
Just two days of class this week and two next week before we're finished. Graduation practice on Wednesday, graduation on Friday morning. When we started, I thought it would never get here. Now that its here, its like where did the time go?
For those of you who know me, you know that I'm about as techno stupid as they come. I just figured out how to do this post from my phone so I've been writing this while waiting on my laundry. Laundry (round 1) is done now so I guess this post is too.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Week #10
On Saturday, a group of us went up to DC to the National Museum of American History and also to some of the monuments.
You don't realize how many lives were lost during that war until you actually see "The Wall" and all the names etched on it.
The final tally was posted from the Silent Auction. The 247th set the record with over $21,000 raised. $13,000 will be donated to COPS Kids and $8,000 will be donated to the Law Enforcement Memorial Building Fund.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Silent Auction
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Journey to OZ
Most of the run was through the woods and trails around Lake Lunga. Unfortunately, the trails aren't that wide so there were times when I got bogged down behind some slower runners/walkers. About the time I was able to make a pass and get around some of them, my right foot found a mud hole. That was real pleasant. Nothing like running in wet socks and shoes. I was able to keep a pretty good pace throughout, though. And I made my goal of finishing under 1 hour; I finished at 57:20...about middle of the pack. No problems with the knee either. If you would have asked me 10 weeks ago if I could run 5+ miles, the answer probably would've been "NO". I'm proud of myself and of everyone else here. The last runner came in at about 75 minutes so, we're all qualified for next week's Yellow Brick Road Run.
This afternoon's Enrichment Speaker was Bobby Smith. It was a good presentation. This man has had plenty of tragedy in his life. He's a Louisiana State Trooper who was shot in the face in 1986. Because of the shooting, he's totally blind. He also lost his daughter in a traffic crash and his son to a drug overdose. In spite of all this tragedy, the man has obtained his doctorate degree, written three books, and instructs new recruits at the Louisiana Academy.
We're almost done!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Week #9
Tomorrow is our Journey to OZ Challenge Run. 5.2 miles to be completed in 80 minutes. A lot of people are worried about this run because of the distance and because it is timed. If you don't make the run in the allotted time, you don't get to participate in the Yellow Brick Road Run next week. I'm not too concerned, though. I think I could walk 5.2 in 80 minutes but I have no intention of walking. Except for the earlier runs where my knee was hurting, I've done well in the runs. And besides, I've already bought my stand for my brick. I'm actually hoping to finish in under an hour. If I can keep my 10 minute mile pace, I should make it. Weather is looking good for tomorrow but it will be cool...temps probably in the 40's when we start.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Week #8
Everyone have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving and I'll be back next week posting for Week #9.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Week #7 - DONE!
Next was the subway trip to The White House. This was my first subway trip in DC and I'll say this...its the cleanest subway system I've ever been on.
The White House was, in my opinion, the poorest excuse for a tour I've ever seen. You have to jump through hoops to get in, which I understand but after that, it's like, "okay, you're on your own but you can't go here, you can't go there, and you can't take any pictures". 10 minutes and you're done. We walked around downtown to find a place to eat for lunch and one of the guys even heckled some protesters. It was great!
Back on the subway to The Pentagon. This tour was the highlight of the day. The Pentagon cops went out of their way for us and they acted like it was their pleasure to do it. Once again, we had the place to ourselves. Take as many pictures as you want to unless they specifically say not to. They didn't. I had heard stories about The Pentagon pretty much being its own little self-contained city and it really is. We visited the indoor 9/11 Memorial and got to see things that the general public does not get to see on their tour. Like I said, The Pentagon cops were great.
Tonight was Louisiana Night down in the Atrium. The Louisiana students put this one together and it was a good time. Authentic Cajun food and just a lot of fun. They asked us to bring patches or pins for the band that was playing for us so I went back upstairs to get a handful of ORPD patches. One of the guys that I've become pretty good friends with, Glenn Hutchins from Washington State, was also going upstairs to get some patches. Glenn also rides a Harley so he and I have plenty to talk about. Anyway, he says he has a gift for me. He hands me a Harley T-shirt from his home dealership in Bellingham, Washington and says that he had his wife pick it up as a gift for my recent promotion. Thanks Glenn!

Very short week (day and a half of classes) and then its Thanksgiving break.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
International Night
After the challenge, students in Col. Vance's and Ms Parrish's media classes left for DC to visit the Newseum. This place was cool! We spent a good 3 1/2 hours there and I didn't get to see everything. The FBI exhibits were good and the 9/11 exhibits, especially the short film, was very moving. The Pulitzer Prize photos were phenomenal!
After dinner and trip to the basement to do laundry, it was back upstairs to the Atrium for International Night. This is where the International student get to show off. Plenty of their native foods and of course, drinks (as in adult beverages). Needless to say, it was a very good time.
P.S. For whatever reason, the pictures don't always post they way they do when I'm writing this. If it doesn't look good or the pictures seem to be out of order, I apologize. I don't know what to do to fix it.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Good News Today
Winged Monkey Assault tomorrow morning followed by a field trip to the Newseum in DC tomorrow afternoon. The field trip is for the students in Colonel Vance's classes and from what I've been told, the Newseum is a great place to visit. International Night is tomorrow night...this promises to be fun.
The end is near and coming quicker than any of us expected.
Thanks to all of you who supported me and encouraged me throughout the process for promotion. I promise, I won't let you down.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Week #7 - IACP Dinner
Our section finally got introduced to the garage during PT today. Our regular PT instructor is not big on running and he took off last week and part of this week to get married so, we've had a guest instructor. After about 20 minutes of warm-up in the gym, he took us to the garage. There, we did some more warming up. Apparently, that's their favorite saying here. They're busy kicking our collective @$$&$ during PT and they'll say, "We're just warming up". After the warm-ups, we did interval training. Bust your rear-end for a minute, rest for a minute, repeat for 20 minutes. We became real intimate with the garage ramps and the stairs. But, its all good.
After classes let out, we had to get dressed up for the IACP Dinner. It was held at the Officer's Club on the main side of the base. It was a good time; open bar would have been better but, at least the food was decent. Extra time in the gym tomorrow, though to work it off.
Still waiting on the word as to whether or not I got promoted.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Munchkin Run
Next up was our Challenge Run. 4.2 miles. Another good day for JK! No pain in the knee and finished about middle of the pack in 44:15. The last hill was a killer! 30 minute circuit next week (the "Winged Monkey Assault").
This afternoon, we loaded up the buses for a trip to the National Law Enforcement Memorial. We had a ceremony there where three of my classmates played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and one of my classmates played Taps on the trumpet. I took the Nikon and I think I took some pretty good pictures. I'll have to get Bob May to download them for me onto a CD-R along with the pics from the DC nighttime photo shoot.
I also got paper done for Bob's class last night. I just need to finish up my PT labs and I'll be done!
We've got a long weekend due to Friday being Veteran's Day. I'm done tomorrow at 12:00 ish.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Philly Trip
Did my one-on-one interview in Col. Vance's class today and I seemed to do a lot better in this one than I did in the first interview. Also got my midterm grade for my Legal class. I did pretty well on it and I'm going to have to do just as well, if not better, if I want to get an "A" for the term. Since this is a short week for us, that was it for Legal this week.
Also had my promotion interview this afternoon. It was done over the telephone. This was a lot tougher than I thought it would be and I just really don't know how I did. I didn't really know what to expect as far as questions and there was a couple of times where I thought I answered the question and then the Chief says, "that's fine but that's not what I asked you". Oops! I'm glad to be done with it, though. If I get the promotion, great! If I don't, I'm not going to cry about it. Either way, I should know by the end of the week.
The Philly trip was great! We left out of the Academy at 7:00 on Saturday morning and for
John is one of the Philly cops in our class and he is in charge of the Highway Unit. Everywhere we went was lights and siren. Talk about being treated like dignitaries. First stop was at Police Headquarters for a meet and greet with the Deputy Police Commissioner. Headquarters is a building straight out of 1960's architecture; early 1970's at the latest.
They treated us like we were kings. The Commissioner himself was not there but we got to go through his office like it was our own.
After the trip to Headquarters, it was time to go to the Philadelphia FOP Lodge for lunch. Again, they treated us like royalty. Good food and plenty of adult beverages...as much as we wanted.
After lunch, it was out to the Police Academy for a Bomb Squad, K-9, and SWAT demonstration.
After the Academy, it was time to check into the hotels. I was booked at the Le Meridien. Nice doesn't describe this place. This section of Philly was really beautiful and clean. The Philadelphia City Hall was just across the plaza from the hotel. Of course, the "occupy" protesters were there, camped out on the steps of City Hall. This building is huge. It takes up an entire city block.
At 7:00, it was back on the buses for a trip to the Irish Pub for dinner and of course, an open bar.
Needless to say, a GREAT time was had by a
Back at it early Sunday morning...WAY TOO EARLY. First stop was the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, and the US National Constitution Center. Talk about American History...its all here.
After the museums, it was a trip to South Philly and Geno's for real Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches. South Philly is old and full of walk-up row houses and narrow one-way streets. It looks like the neighborhood where Rocky lived in the first Rocky movie. People were lined-up around the block just to get a sandwich. Of course, us being the royalty that we are, didn't have to wait. They took us in the back door. This place was so clean that you could literally eat off of the floors. The food was great! Speaking of Rocky, the next stop was the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the famous steps. Yes, we all ran up the steps. The Rocky statue is no longer at the top of the steps. Several years ago they removed it and then brought it back. It now sits at the bottom and off to the side away from the steps.
Back on the buses for a trip to Citizens Bank Park for a tour of the Phillies Baseball Stadium and then to Criniti's Italian Restaurant for dinner. To say that they fed us well would be an understatement. Those of you that know me know what a big baseball fan I am so the trip to the ballpark was a big highlight for me.
After dinner, it was time to start back to DC.
This was a GREAT trip. Something I probably never would have done on my own. Its amazing the amount of history there is in this part of the country and its all within just a few hours drive of each other.
Special thanks to Lt. John Hearn and Lt. Stephen Clark of the Philadelphia PD for putting this trip together for us. And special thanks to the Philly Highway Cops that escorted us all over the City.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Week #5, DONE!

Got my papers finished for the Colonel Vance's media class this afternoon and got my first Leadership paper back from Paul Bertrand. Got an "A".
Got my camera ready for lots of pics.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Mid Terms
Also had my first mid term today in Ken Myers's Legal class. Ken is really good and makes the class enjoyable. The exam is take home, open book, 25 question multiple choice. He said to use tomorrow's class time for the test and to have it turned in by Monday morning. Since I'm going to Philly this weekend, I got the test done this afternoon and have already turned it in. It wasn't overly difficult but it wasn't a gimme either.
I also talked to Bob May today and got him to download the group pictures from the DC field trip to a thumb drive for me so I could post them. I should be pretty east to spot. Since I don't have my legal class tomorrow, I'll probably use the time to work on my policy paper for Bob's class.
Gonna go hit the gym for a little bit before calling it a night.