Last night was Flag Night in the cafeteria. Its a night where all the students gather under their respective state flag and meet new agents that will be assigned to their state. Its also a great time to go around and visit with everyone, trade patches, pins, etc. Although I didn't give away all the patches I brought with me, a bunch of them are gone. I also collected a bunch to take home with me. I thought it was great that some departments have lapel pins as well. My lanyard is getting heavy with all the pins on it. I was trading patches with one of my academy mates and found out that he previously retired from the department in Florida where I grew up and where both my Dad and my Uncle worked. He even said that he remembered my Uncle.
One of the pictures is of me with Vaclev Nemec. He is in my section and is from the Czech Replublic. The group picture is of some of us from Tennessee.
Today was back to class. It did nothing but rain all day.
Keep the posts coming brother. I just enrolled in my classes for the 248th. Your posts are keeping me informed and excited about the opportunity. Any tips are appreciated. I will be checking up every few days.