Today's a holiday so there are no classes and not much going on around here. I just finished my paper for my Forensics class although I have no clue what APA style is. Anyway, I finally got to step outside of the building for a little fresh air. The weather has been great all week but its starting to cloud up a little now. I did some walking around the buildings trying to take a couple of pics...still not sure what we can take pictures of and what we can't but the camera police hasn't said anything, yet. Deer are everywhere around here and they're pretty tame, even compared to the ones back in the Ridge. I just about walked right up to one outside of the Jefferson Dorm. About the time I had my camera ready, it ran away.
The New York trip is sold out so I won' be doing that one. The price kept going up on it and I just don't have the $$$ to do it. The Philly trip is still open, though. Its alot cheaper, too!
For the 246th...thanks for the replies! The pool is still closed and it doesn't look like they're going to get it opened up this session. Right before we got here, they had a major flood down there when a pipe burst. Its cleaned up but OSHA won't let them open it up.
Here's just a couple of the pics I took. I
Good Job!!! Don't touch the deer!!! Ticks will give you lyme disease and an early trip home. What the hell?! So a swimming pool floods and they won't let you guys in??? Floods, shhmloods...our 7th floor flooded in Washington and they forced them....I mean let that back up there just after a couple of days. It won't be the same if no one goes home without a "Blue Brick"!!! A pamphlet will tell you of the locations that photography is permitted...I should know, I totally complied with all of the restrictions. The gals at the library will fill you in on the APA standards. NY trip is sold out??? You gotta find a way to get there and Philly is nice too. Irish Pub anyone??? I got the 246 monitoring your every move on FB...Have fun.
ReplyDeleteBest tip I can give you for APA is use 90% of the books you will use are already in their database and it can output a bibliography page in any format, including APA. Plus, since it is internet based, you can log into your account on a library computer where the wireless internet does not cover. It made it super easy to do an APA bibliography.