Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Graduation and back home.

Well, I made it. Friday morning was kinda bittersweet. It was good to know that all of us had accomplished our goal. We're all graduates of Session 247 and will forever be linked together by that accomplishment. But it was also time to say goodbye. Goodbye to the Academy, to the Staff, and most of all, to the friends that had been made over the past 11 weeks. Some had become very good friends and they will be missed. I almost didn't get to say goodbye to my roommate. I stayed the last night in the dorm; he didn't. But we caught up with each other after graduation so all is good. Thanks Jake! I appreciate everything.

Glenn Hutchings...we've got some roads to ride when you get out this way.

Glenn Riddle...get that knee healed up. when you decide to come back and finish the YBR, don't forget to give me a shout. I'll go back and run it with you.

Stevie DeMarco...thanks to you and your wife for going out of your way to get those shirts. And thanks for waking me up in Philly.

Marc and the "7th Floor Mafia"...you guys are hilarious.

Brian Johnson...congrats on your promotion. I'm sure I''ll see you sometime in Nashville.

And to the rest of my classmates, especially Section 2...its been a pleasure. You all are great!

To my instructors: Paul Bertrand, Ken Myers, Buddy McGinnis, Bob May, Lt. Col. Jim Vance, and Kevin Chimento. Thank you!

To my family, friends, and colleagues who encouraged me and supported me and never lost faith in me...Thank you so much. I couldn't have done this without you.

I'm back to work now, packing up my office, planning the transition back to Patrol as a Lieutenant, and preparing for the next challenges that the job and life bring me.

So that's it. This blog is officially done. Thanks to all of you who followed and offered advice and encouragement.

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