Thursday, December 1, 2011

Silent Auction

Tonight, our session held a silent auction with all the proceeds going to Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S. Kids). Each session holds a silent auction to raise to raise money for this worthwhile charity. I bid on a couple of items. Didn't get the one I really wanted but I did walk away with a couple of Harley t-shirts, 2 hats, 2 coffee mugs, and 2 mouse pads courtesy of Killer Creek Harley Davidson in Roswell, GA for $65.00. Like I said, its for a good cause. Part of the auction was a live auction where any item that received a bid for over $100.00 went to live auction amongst the highest bidders. John Hearn of Philly PD acted as auctioneer and did a great job. Some of the bidding got pretty lively and apparently some of the cops here make a lot more money than I do. Several thousand dollars were raised here tonight. Great job 247!

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