Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yellow Brick Road

Today was the day we've all been waiting for...our Yellow Brick Road challenge run. I have to say that we've been lucky the entire time we've been here. We've always had good weather for our challenges. With that being said, today's weather sucked! Rainy and cold. And it only rained more and got colder as the day went on. The trail was nothing but mud by the my group started. Sorry pics from me on this one. Couldn't risk ruining the camera and I wasn't smart enough to think about buying a waterproof disposable one. My bad. There were a few reports of injury and I think they actually had to med evac one out but for the most part, everybody came out okay and everybody had fun.

Right now, I'm in the basement of the Madison dorm doing laundry and trying to salvage my shoes and clothes that I wore. So is everyone else...that's why I'm at Madison. A lot of people just gave up on their shoes and clothes and just trashed them. I'm going to at least try to save them.

Just two days of class this week and two next week before we're finished. Graduation practice on Wednesday, graduation on Friday morning. When we started, I thought it would never get here. Now that its here, its like where did the time go?

For those of you who know me, you know that I'm about as techno stupid as they come. I just figured out how to do this post from my phone so I've been writing this while waiting on my laundry. Laundry (round 1) is done now so I guess this post is too.

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