Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good News Today

Okay, let's try this for the third time. Apparently, I'm having trouble posting tonight. Anyway, I got the word today...I got promoted! I was in Col. Vance's media class when I got the call late this afternoon. I had to excuse myself in the middle of the Colonel's lecture to take the call. During the break, I apologized to the Colonel and told him about the call. Of course, he announces to the class that I got promoted. Everyone congratulated me. That was nice and I really appreciated it. The promotion takes effect on Jan. 8th and I do have to go back to Patrol. I had hoped that I would get to stay in CID but in the back of my mind, I knew that I would have to go to Patrol. And, I'm going to have to give up a few things that I've grown accustomed to...like my office, my car, my weekends off. The good news is that my dry cleaning bill should drop drastically now. Seriously, the good news is that two of my Detectives also got promoted so, congratulations to them.

Winged Monkey Assault tomorrow morning followed by a field trip to the Newseum in DC tomorrow afternoon. The field trip is for the students in Colonel Vance's classes and from what I've been told, the Newseum is a great place to visit. International Night is tomorrow night...this promises to be fun.

The end is near and coming quicker than any of us expected.

Thanks to all of you who supported me and encouraged me throughout the process for promotion. I promise, I won't let you down.


  1. Congratulations my 247 friend!!! Change is always good, especially with a promotion!!! Wishing you great luck in your new journey, but you have a few more weeks till graduation. My recommendation...enjoy it to the max, because you will miss it, as many of our 246 mates are experiencing. International Night will be a blast...get lots of photos, because it will be a memorable night and will probably result in a few of your session mates to show up in class with sunglasses. Also suggest you get Bob to print a bunch of your photos that you want to hang up in your new office that you won't have in patrol. Anyway, congratulation again and enjoy the rest of the NA session. Aloha and be safe.

  2. Sweet! Congrats and enjoy the return to the backbone of the job.
