Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Munchkin Run

The day started off with what was supposed to be a tour of the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT). Got up early and everything. Of course, when we got there, they told us that the tour had been canceled because the team had been called out, or something like that. Anyway, one of our counselors, Bob, talked to one of the guys over there that he knew and we ended up getting to see a couple of things. Of course, the obligatory Blackhawk helicopter. (No pictures please). They got upset when one of us tried to take a picture. We did get to tour their live fire house. Actually, this was pretty impressive. They had part of an airplane fuselage inside the building that they use fire training. We also got to see a few of their specialty trucks they play with. That was about the extent of the tour.

Next up was our Challenge Run. 4.2 miles. Another good day for JK! No pain in the knee and finished about middle of the pack in 44:15. The last hill was a killer! 30 minute circuit next week (the "Winged Monkey Assault").

This afternoon, we loaded up the buses for a trip to the National Law Enforcement Memorial. We had a ceremony there where three of my classmates played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and one of my classmates played Taps on the trumpet. I took the Nikon and I think I took some pretty good pictures. I'll have to get Bob May to download them for me onto a CD-R along with the pics from the DC nighttime photo shoot.

I also got paper done for Bob's class last night. I just need to finish up my PT labs and I'll be done!

We've got a long weekend due to Friday being Veteran's Day. I'm done tomorrow at 12:00 ish.

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