Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week #9

Week #9 and the countdown has begun. We started back today after the Thanksgiving break. Everyone is already complaining about the food here again after eating real food for several days. I have to admit...dinner tonight was not good.

Tomorrow is our Journey to OZ Challenge Run. 5.2 miles to be completed in 80 minutes. A lot of people are worried about this run because of the distance and because it is timed. If you don't make the run in the allotted time, you don't get to participate in the Yellow Brick Road Run next week. I'm not too concerned, though. I think I could walk 5.2 in 80 minutes but I have no intention of walking. Except for the earlier runs where my knee was hurting, I've done well in the runs. And besides, I've already bought my stand for my brick. I'm actually hoping to finish in under an hour. If I can keep my 10 minute mile pace, I should make it. Weather is looking good for tomorrow but it will be cool...temps probably in the 40's when we start.

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