Monday, November 14, 2011

Week #7 - IACP Dinner

After a long weekend off and a trip home, I'm back to start week #7. Time is really starting to fly now and before we know it, we'll be graduating. We've got a full week of classes this week. Next week, its just Monday and out at 3:30 on Tuesday for the Thanksgiving break. We won't have to be back until the following Tuesday. I've got all my work done except for my PT labs and I'll get them done this weekend.

Our section finally got introduced to the garage during PT today. Our regular PT instructor is not big on running and he took off last week and part of this week to get married so, we've had a guest instructor. After about 20 minutes of warm-up in the gym, he took us to the garage. There, we did some more warming up. Apparently, that's their favorite saying here. They're busy kicking our collective @$$&$ during PT and they'll say, "We're just warming up". After the warm-ups, we did interval training. Bust your rear-end for a minute, rest for a minute, repeat for 20 minutes. We became real intimate with the garage ramps and the stairs. But, its all good.

After classes let out, we had to get dressed up for the IACP Dinner. It was held at the Officer's Club on the main side of the base. It was a good time; open bar would have been better but, at least the food was decent. Extra time in the gym tomorrow, though to work it off.

Still waiting on the word as to whether or not I got promoted.

1 comment:

  1. At the dinner, was the chicken as good as I remember? Lean and tepid as I recall.
