Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week #5

OK. That was not fun. I was in the middle of this post when my laptop crashed. Luckily, it looks like everything has come back. However, everything that I had posted (and thought I saved since it auto saves) did not come back.

I got back here late Sunday night after a quick trip home this past weekend. It seemed like it took a lot longer coming back than it did going home but, eight hours is eight hours.

Last night, my photography class took a field trip to DC for some night time photography. For those of you like me who had never been to DC before, its really something to see, especially at night. We got two really good group photos with the White House and the Capital in the background. I took some really good pictures, too. Its amazing what you can do with a real camera and a little bit of knowledge. I got pics of the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, and the World War II Memorial. I tried doing a panoramic of the WWII Memorial...I hope it comes out good. Right now, I can't share any of the pics because I'm took them in a format called RAW. Once we look at them and make any color corrections or other corrections in Photo shop, I'll convert them to JPEG and we'll be good to go. I might be able to get the group pictures from our instructor, Bob May, since he already has them on his laptop and was fixing them this morning. I'm back in his class Thurs. morning so I'll see if he can download them onto a jump drive for me.

Tomorrow is our Lion's Leap Challenge Run...3.1 miles. My knee seems to be doing a lot better but I still don't know if I can run on it, yet. And if I can, how far can I go before the pain sets in. I guess we'll find out at 10:30. Worst case scenario, it hurts and I hobble through it. Best case, I'm not the last one to finish. I'll let you know tomorrow how it went.

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