Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week #5 Challenge Day

We had our Challenge Run today...the Lion's Leap 3.1 mile run. Except for the cold I think I'm catching, I felt pretty good today. My knee hasn't been hurting near as much lately and I got the flexibility back in it sometime last week but I still didn't know what to expect from it. Started off good with no pain and it stayed that way. Ran the entire 3.1 without having to hobble and finished no where near the end of the group. I was able to keep a good pace throughout and finished somewhere in the 30 -35 minute range. I'm by no means ready to run any marathons but it felt good to be able to go out and run and actually pass people instead of everyone passing me. Next week is 4.2 miles.

They finally got the elevator fixed today. We've been all weekend with just one elevator and that was a problem. I'm surprised we didn't break the other one by overloading it but, all is good now.

We had a lot going on today. One thing that wasn't planned was having to redo our section pictures. That meant getting dressed up for about five minutes worth of pictures and then having to go back and put our 5.11's and polos back on. Then going back to the auditorium for session elections and then our enrichment speaker. John Miller, formerly of ABC News, spoke today about terrorism. He's the one who back in 1998 had an exclusive interview with Osama Bin Laden. Of course, Mr. Miller was late getting here. It was a good presentation, though.

Between the pictures and the seminar, I got a call from the Chief's secretary back home. I'm scheduled for my promotion interview on Monday at 12:30. They're going to do it by phone. This should be fun. At least they won't get to see me sweat. Hopefully, I'll do well enough to at least get put on the list.

Finally, the Philadelphia trip is this weekend and I'm going. We had a meeting tonight where they gave us the itinerary and it looks like its going to be a good time. I'll be sure to take lots of pics.

Well, its Wednesday night and you know what that means...LAUNDRY :(


  1. Great luck on the interview!!! You will have a great time in Philly. Irish Pub?! How was Famous Dave's before the DC Night Camera shoot? Bob probably had his beef brisket again. I sure miss that brisket. Take care and be safe. Aloha

  2. Enjoy the Pub and be sure to get the t-shirt, it is a cool one and be sure to sample the sambuca. Enjoy.
