Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Challenge Day

Today was one of our weekly challenges. Instead of doing a so many mile run, today was the Cyclone. Sorry, no pics...I realized I forgot my camera about the time I got down to the locker room to change. Didn't have enough time to go back and get it. Anyway, 20 minutes of intense circuit work. Basically, bust your rear end for 30 seconds, 15 second break while you move on to the next station, bust you butt for 30 get the picture. Everybody made it through it but that gym gets crowded with 250 + people in there. We also got to wear our challenge shirts for the first time. They are a lot nicer than the regular cotton t-shirts.

This afternoon, we had our enrichment seminar. This one was good. Mike Durant came and spoke to us about his experiences and capture in Somalia. He's a very dynamic speaker and I thought it was a great presentation. For those who don't know, he's the helicopter pilot that was shot down and taken prisoner. They made a movie about it called, "Black Hawk Down".

After a quick trip to the local Wally World, I'm back doing laundry (I've got it down to a science...Weds and Sat.).

Thanks to Greg (246) for the words of encouragement.

I promise to do better on the pics.


  1. Mike Durant was a pretty good speaker and so was Tommy Norris. Glad everyone made it through the Cyclone challenge. If you're interested, I posted a bunch of videos on youtube under "FBINA_246" most of the challenges and some of the swimmers completing their 34 miles in the swim challenge. Until next time, be safe and stay strong...things will get better.

  2. I'm glad we went in the summer. By the time y'all get to the 5.2, it will be cold! Well, I'm from Ft. Lauderdale so my perspective is admittedly a bit skewed but it is a lot easier to run in the heat. Enjoy.
