Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4

First day of classes and no one really knows what to expect. Jake and I really never paid that much attention to each other's schedule but it turns out that we have two classes together. My first class was Leadership for Law Enforcement. The instructor has a sense of humor. He got everyone of us in the class. He starts out by putting up his PowerPoint slide with a bunch of definitions. At the bottom of the slide it says "1 of 212". He starts going through it really quick and then changes slides before anyone can even begin taking notes on the first slide. He does the same thing on the second slide. WTF? Third slide says something to the effect of "Okay, the joke's over, GOTCHA!" Holy $#!+ He's standing down there laughing at us! Then he says "relax". Turns out he's a pretty cool guy. A couple of papers and a group presentation. Doesn't look like it s going to be too bad.

Class #2: PT. Some lab assignments, a couple of physical fitness tests, and a 30 question multiple choice final. Should be easy. Oh yeah, the "Yellow Brick Road". The Yellow Brick Road is the final challenge event of the session...6.1 mile run and obstacle course. Oh well, I have 10 weeks to prepare. First timed run is Friday: 1.5 miles in under 18 minutes.

Class #3: Contemporary Issues in Police and Media Relations. This is the class the Chief asked me to take. This should be interesting. Its actually in a small TV studio. The instructor wasn't there so we only had to sign in and pickup our books. From the looks of it, this class is going to be alot of work.

Class #4: Legal Issues Impacting Law Enforcement Operations. Another really good instructor. He made everybody happy...NO PAPERS! Just a midterm and a final. This is going to be a constitutional law class and very interactive. This will be a good one.

Tomorrow is pretty much a free day. Pictures in the morning and library orientation after lunch. Looks like I'm done for the day @ 2:15.

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