Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 20

Section #3 had a cookout tonight. I got an invite because my roommate is in section #3. On the menu tonight, along with the usual hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, etc., was venison (deer). They allow hunting here on the base and one of the guys got him one the other day. It was really good. The cookout didn't last long, though. Its starting to cool off here and there was some wind coming off of the lake. Plus, they forgot to buy beer.

One more day and week #3 is in the books. The New York trip is this weekend and the buses leave out tomorrow night. This trip is supposed to be one of the highlights of the academy and its put together every session by the New York academy alumni. I really wanted to do this trip but the costs for this trip went way beyond my budget. The Philadelphia trip is later in the session and I'll be doing that one. I'll probably spend the weekend working on a couple of papers. I think if I get these two done, I'll pretty much have all my individual work finished.

Tomorrow is a short day; PT, Leadership, and Legal. Should be out of class by 3:00.

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