Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Days 17 & 18

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. Pretty much just back to class. Oh yeah, we did have "the dreaded fire drill". Remember the fire drills back in elementary school? This was the same deal. At least it was a pretty day.

We did have a Monday Night Football party last night down in the atrium. Basically, we traded a meal credit for some real food (BBQ, pizza, etc.). For a buy-in of $5.00, it was pretty much all the beer you could drink. I got to see my Dolphins play (and lose, again).

Today in my photography class, the cameras were handed out. Nice cameras, too! Nikon D300 with four lenses and a flash. Basically, its mine for the next eight or so weeks to do with whatever I please. I plan on using it, a lot! I took this class to learn how to use one of these so here's my opportunity.

Tomorrow is our 2.6 mile run. My knee is still giving me problems but I'll make this one just like the last one. After that, we have a mandatory "enrichment seminar" from 2;30 -4:30. An early dinner after that and then we load the buses for a trip to the Law Enforcement Memorial. This is one of the things that I definitely wanted to see while I was here. One of the guys in my section has been picked to play "Taps" in the ceremony. I'll take the Nikon with me so we'll see if I've learned anything yet.

Probably wont post again until Thursday so, stay tuned!

Thanks to Mike (246) for the N/A seal.

1 comment:

  1. They probably had a fire drill because after the earthquake nobody told us to evacuate but we followed the California guys who fled to the outdoors.
