Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7

Well, week #1 is finally over. Its been a hectic but fun week overall. I've met several people this week from different parts of the country and the world. One guy that I met today is from Austin, Texas. He told me that he knows Carl Webb. Turns out that this guy used to work for the National Park Service in Scott County.

Our section had our fitness assessment today. It just verified what I already know...I'm old and fat. Okay, I'm not as bad as some but not as good as some either. I did make my required 1.5 mile run with time to spare. My pace has consistently been a 10 minute mile. Its slow but its consistent. I ran just a little bit quicker that that and finished at 14:41. We had to do it in under 18:00 to qualify for the Yellow Brick Road. I also did okay in other parts of the assessment. The records are safe.

I just completed writing my first paper for my Leadership class. One down and I don't know how many more to go. But I'm going to make it.

Its going to be a long weekend up here. Since Monday is a Federal holiday, there are no classes.

Hopefully, next week will go by quick.

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