Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3

The day started off slow but picked up real quick. Jake and I still haven't met our suite mates but I do know this; four guys sharing one bathroom doesn't workout real well. We're gonna have to figure something out. After breakfast and homeroom, I tried to go through drop/add. The Chief told me he wanted me to take a media class while I was here. Problem is, my schedule was set a few months ago and the media class wasn't one of my choices. So, I go over to the communications section to try and add a media class. All of the classes are full. I'm so screwed! They do however, put me on a waiting list for the class. So I go back to homeroom trying to figure out my next move. About 15 minutes later, my phone rings. They've got an opening. So, back to drop/add. I get the class added but have to drop a class that I really wanted to take because of the time blocks where the classes are scheduled. Probably for the best anyway. The class that I dropped was one of the more difficult ones on my schedule. By now, its lunch time and time for me to tackle my other problem: the check. I go up to the credit union, tell them my sob story about the check, and basically beg them to cash it for me. The cashier takes the check to her boss, who must have seen the desperation in my face. She tells the cashier to cash the check for me. Its gonna be a good day. Time to inhale my lunch before going back to homeroom. In the short time that I've been here, I must already be acquiring a taste for the food...I didn't think it was half bad today. Afer lunch, it was back to home room but we really didn't do much. They dismissed us just before 3:00 and told us to be back for dinner at 5:00.

Tomorrow is the first official day of class. Let the fun begin!

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