Friday, October 14, 2011

Week #2, DONE!

Today was a short day as far as classes go. We only have three classes on Fridays...the three today are every other week. Next Friday will be my other three classes. Most of the instructors want out of here early on Fridays to try and beat the traffic so they'll ask us if we want to start back after lunch at 1:00 instead of 1:30. That gets us out of class by 3:00, if not sooner.

Won't be doing much this weekend except trying to get a couple of papers done. And, of course, laundry. My section is having a BBQ tomorrow out at the lake. That will be fun. Real food and adult beverages! Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I'm gonna have to miss the UT-LSU game on the TV. LSU is #1 so it probably won't be pretty. I'll post some pics. I'll be the one wearing the UT Orange. GO VOLS!!!

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