Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 16

Another pretty day here at the N/A. Not much going on around here. I just finished working on my three labs for PT. I'm not quite finished with them but, they'll get done.

My knee is still FUBAR and since I can't run right now, I decided to go out walking and loosen it up that way. My first stop was at Hogan's Alley. If the pics don't look that good today, I didn't have my camera with me and used the one on my phone instead. Hogan's Alley is a neat place. Unfortunately, I've been told that we can't take pictures of it. I did mange to sneak a picture of the sign, though. Don't tell the FBI Police. The best way to describe it would be like a small town square. Real buildings and streets to simulate real conditions during training. There's a bank, a post office, a pharmacy, a movie theatre, and even a used car lot. There was also a couple of really nice houses in that particular area. I guess they're used for training but I'd definitely live in one of them.

I then walked back out to the main roadway and started walking. Ended up at the gate on the other end of the complex near the DEA Academy. I didn't realize until the other day when I was leaving the base via the back gate that the DEA Academy was part of the same complex. I'm sure that if my Chief comes up for my graduation, he'll be visiting there since he just retired from the DEA. By the time I made it back around to the dorms, I figured I covered between 2-2 1/2 miles...maybe a little more, maybe a little less. Anyway, as I'm sitting here typing this out, my knee doesn't seem to hurt as much as it did earlier.

Like I said, not much going on around here today but, we have a busy week ahead of us.

Thanks to all of you who are following this and/or have replied. Mike (246). I couldn't email you back. You can contact me at

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