Sunday, October 9, 2011

Days 8&9

For the most part, its pretty quiet around here. Alot of my fellow students went home for the long weekend. There were also a couple of groups that went to DC yesterday and some more are going today. I slept in yesterday (that was nice!) and then started doing some research for my Forensics paper. I'm a little worried about the papers and getting them done. Maybe if I get most, if not all of my work done early in the session, I can relax later on and enjoy myself. Right now, I'm not relaxed.

Physically, I'm not doing that good either. Apparently, I tweaked my back on Friday during our fitness assessment. To say that I'm in pain right now would be an understatement. To try and loosen it up a little, I went and did 2 miles yesterday afternoon followed by some time on the elliptical. When I went to shower afterwards, I noticed blood on my socks. Needless to say, no running today.

Watched the Vols game in the lounge last night. There I am, all proud in my UT Orange. To my surprise, there were several people there pulling for UT. Oh well, at least we didn't get beat too badly.

I think I'll be spending some time in the library today trying to find some resources for my paper. I texted David Stephens for a suggestion for my Forensics paper and he suggested entomology. For those of you who don't know what that is, its the study of bugs. Thanks David. I'm also going to try and take some pics today around here. They are real strict about what can and can't be photographed. I'll try to post a couple of them later.


  1. I was waiting for someone to start a blog from Session 247 and looks good. Need to get some photos in there as well. I'm from NA 246 and also blogged under FBINA 246. Hundreds of photos in flickr under FBINA_246 as well as video in youtube under the same. I also had the forensic and the photography classes that you're taking. Buddy knows his stuff and has an uncanny memory. Bob is dry but you will have a great time in the class. Not going to reveal too much so early in the game, you just need to discover it yourself. I had a great experience and hope you have the same. As far as your back, I recommend swimming instead of running. It helped me tremendously and saved my back and knees. Have fun and be safe and look forward to following #247.

  2. And as one other #246 blogger, I am also looking forward to checking in (if you don't mind). Your experiences will be very different from ours, we dealt with 103 degree heat in July, you guys will probably freeze your butts off on the YBR. Enjoy yourself, don't sweat the assignments too much, and take advantage of as many trip opportunities as you can afford.

    If you are going into D.C. on the weekends, parking at the Pentagon and using the metro the rest of the way seemed to be the best option. BTW, you guys have the N.A. coordinator from the Miami Office as a counselor, when you see him, tell him Tim from Highlands County S.O. says "hi."

    Best of Luck and enjoy every minute!
