Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 1

I made it! The FBI National Academy. For the next 11 weeks, I'll be studying (and running) my rearend off. Sounds tough but I know I'm gonna make it. I got here about 1:30 on Saturday to check-in. From what little I've seen, this place is awesome. Its also very confusing. Every building is connected by tunnels so, you never really have to go outside. First thing after arriving, I was greeted by an FBI agent (actually, a soon to be FBI agent). They're also in school here and they have new agents meet the N/A students and help them carry in their luggage and help them get registered. After that, it was to my room. 7th floor. I walk in and my roomate is already there. I was expecting an international student since I kinda volunteered to room with one but to my surprise, I have an American roomate. Jake is from a small department in Minnesota. So far, were getting along pretty good but, 11 weeks is a long time.

After getting my stuff to the room, it was time to buy my uniforms. That's where I ran into my first problem. The City combined all expenses that have to be paid to the FBINA on one check and made it payable to the FBINA. Nobody's fault but, I found out that's not gonna work. So far, its money out of my pocket and I don't have alot of it. Hopefully, I can get it straightened out Monday when the bank opens.

Next came the tour of the facility. I was totally lost. After the tour, dinner (cafeteria food). I decided after a little while that I would go workout a little. This is where I ran into problem number 2. I got lost trying to find the gym. After about twenty minute of going around in circles, I finally found the right tunnel that took me to the gym. Go in, find my locker, everything is good. The cardio room is actually outside of the gym in an unattached building. So I go outside and its raining. Its also cold. Sucks to be me but, I go to the building and workout for about the next hour. Nice equipment, flat screen TV's on the wall. Its all good. Get done, have to go back outside to get to the main building...its pooring.

It'll get better...

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